How To Read Food Labels

Unfortunately, a number of products that are labelled as all natural or healthy are actually highly processed with questionable ingredients.

Below we will discuss four ingredients that emphasise the mislabeling of everyday food products.

Fructose is a natural sugar present mainly in fruit and a handful of vegetables.

In it’s natural form it is fine to consume for most people in small quantities however it can also be found in high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks and sweets.

The concentrated sugar present in these syrups has an extremely high level of fructose which rapidly increases the sugar absorption rate in our bodies. This in turn affects our glycemic index. The index shows how quickly something raises our blood sugar.

Take Away: eat fructose in whole fruits but stay away from ultra processed foods that add high fructose.


Sodium Nitrate should also be avoided when looking at food labels. The controversy of this ingredient started in the 1970’s when reports found that nitrate added to meat products reacted with the amines present and formed potentially carcinogenic properties.

Sodium nitrate and nitrite are extensively used in the food industry as an antioxidant in meats such as bacon, ham, luncheon meats, deli meat, jerky and hotdogs

Take Away: though many everyday meats such as bacon do contain the preservative, alternative nitrate free versions are widely available now


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in a variety of foods such as diet soft drinks, yoghurt, ice cream and cereal. Similar to sodium nitrate, there is a strong link with the ingredient having carcinogenic properties as well as disgegulation of blood sugars.

Aspartame has also been linked to neurological, behaviour and cognitive disturbances in humans. The sweetener can elevate the levels of phenylalanine aspartic acid in the brain. The compounds obstruct the synthesis of neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin). Inhibiting these regulators subsequently affects our neurophysiological activity resulting in behavioural problems.

Take Away: avoid low calorie / low sugar priocessed foods which often includes this artifical sweetener.


Hydrogenated Oils can lead to increased gut inflammation, high LDL cholesterol and low HDL (good cholesterol). High LDL levels can increase a person’s risk of heart disease and obesity. These type of oils are commonly found in ultra processed food products such as crisps and baked goods.

It is advised to avoid food products where labels contain the word, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated in front of the oils name. This will identify if there is a trans fat contained in the food.

Take Away: Double check plant based milks which seem healthy but can contain liquid oils.

The Dangers of Seed Oils

Seed oils or polyunsaturated fats have recently gained quite a name for themselves in the health world. Although seed oils have been widely accessible to the public since the 1900’s, the negative impacts and consequences of seed oils have only recently been brought to the attention of the general public.

There are two types of fatty acids found in oils: saturated and unsaturated fats. The key difference is their composition and how their carbon bonds are paired with hydrogen.

Saturated fats are mostly derived from animal products such as meat and dairy. These fats are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are predominantly found in plants. This includes nuts, seed oils and fatty fish. These fats are liquid at room temperature.

Unsaturated fats are split into two categories, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. This is dependent on how many pairs of hydrogen atoms they are missing.

Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are categorised by the foods content of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These are all fatty acids. Whilst Omega 3 is commonly praised for its positive impact on brain and heart health, Omega 6 and Omega 9 do not carry the same reputable benefits.

Seed oils contain a high content of Omega 6 and oxidise easily. This can cause radical damage to cell membranes. This damage targets the mitochrondia which are known as the powerhouse of the cells.

These oxidised fats then get trapped in healthy cell membranes which results in poor cellular function and long term inflammation. In additional they reduce the livers production of glutathione, a major antioxidant that is involved in building and repairing tissue.

Prior to 1800’s, as a population, we would seek our fat from foods that could easily be extracted such as butter, coconut oil and olive oil. The 1800’s was a time of revolutionary industrialisation meaning the world was mass producing and therefore shifting towards new, unfamiliar and most importantly, cheap, sources of fats. This shift led to a substantial increase in processed foods which contained unusually high levels of seed oils.

Recent research suggests seed oil oxidation is linked to increased insulin resistance and poor immune system function so it is important we now limit these.

There are eight in total to watch out for:

 -     Corn oil

-     Canola (Rapeseed Oil)

-     Cotton seed

-     Soy oils

-     Sunflower oils

-     Safflower oil

-     Grapeseed

-     Rice bran

Grass fed butter, ghee butter or coconut oil can all be used as an alternative to seed oils for cooking as they do not denature at high temperatures and they have an excellent ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Using olive oil in salad dressings, cold, is fine but make sure to use an extra virgin olive oil, ideally that is cold pressed.

Looking to get your current Omega levels tested? Click HERE to see our testing.

Advice on Methylation DNA Testing

When you consume nutrients, you consume a lot of raw material that must be converted into a form the body can use. How does that raw material turn into hormones, neurons, and more? The process is called methylation.

Your DNA is set at birth and determines how your genes work. Methylation is the process which allows these genes to function optimally so understanding your personal methylation pathways is key to optimising your health. Methyl groups act like billions of switches which turn genes on or off, help regulate mood, detoxify hormones, produce energy, and promote healthy aging.

Since the process of methylation can be found throughout the entire body, it makes sense that poor methylation can cause issues. 

Here are some symptoms to watch out for if you suspect you may struggle with poor methylation:

  • Nervous system / mood issues

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety / Depression

  • Blood Pressure

  • Fertility

The Methylation Panel we offer can uncover needs for nutritional support such as amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Knowing this can help guide dietary and lifestyle treatment plans. Additionally, knowing genetic predispositions can help focus supplementation to override potential methylation defects.

The methyl groups that participate in methylation come from a variety of micronutrients in your diet which include folate (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin B6, riboflavin (B2), betaine, choline, and several others. Knowing if you need these vitamins and minerals as supplements is key to managing good health.

The methylation DNA test is done via a simple cheek swab which is painless, quick and easy and your report is valid your whole life because genes do not change!

Having said that knowing your gene variants means you are forewarned and forearmed to deal with certain predispositions when it comes to other nutrients such as magnesium, zinc and glutathionine.

In addition the methylation DNA test will assess neurotransmitter genes meaning we can see how you manage emotions and mood and we can assist in helping you naturally manage emotions if you are genetically predisposed to low mood or mood swings.

If you want to optimise your energy levels or cognitive function, or if you want to investigate mood or sleep challenges and detoxification pathways then this is the test for you.

Gary Brecka, world renowned Human Biologist says ‘We put raw materials into the human body, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates, but what if we cannot convert them into a usable form? This is called methylation. It is the most important process that every human goes through. If you have breaks in your methylation, you need to supplement for their deficiency because when you create a deficiency in the human body, it eventually leads to pathology and disease.”

Read up and order this methylation DNA panel from our UK labs HERE

What is Mould Illness?

The Body Fabulous Functional Medicine team are specialists in supporting patients clear mycotoxins. Have you been exposed to mould and now feeling unwell? Chronic undiagnosed illnesses can sometimes be tracked back to mould exposure, often found in your own home or workplace. Toxic mould exposure is connected to long-term symptoms such as allergies, histamine issues, fatigue, skin rashes, insomnia, memory loss, trouble concentrating and confusion. Mould illness can be the underlying trigger to depression and anxiety and can even lead to muscle cramps, numbness in extremities, light sensitivity and hair loss. Once you have identified if you have a mould illness it is important to eliminate the mould from your environment and treat yourself to clear the mould from your system with a detoxification protocol.

Buy Mycotoxin Mould Test HERE

Buy EnviroTox Complete Test for Mould, Chemical and Environmental Toxins HERE

Fungi are able to grow on almost any surface, especially if the environment is warm and wet. Inner wall materials of buildings, wall paper, fiber glass insulation, ceiling tiles, and gypsum support are all good surfaces for fungi to colonise. These fungi then release mycotoxins into the environment causing symptoms of many different chronic diseases.

There are thousands of types of mould but we test for toxigenic moulds. As the name implies, these molds produce mycotoxins that can cause serious health effects. The toxic chemicals found in these types of moulds can be absorbed into the body when one inhales them, eats them, or even touches them.

Many people suffering from mould illness struggle to get a proper diagnosis and investigation.

It’s common to think “my house is clean” it can’t be mould. However, mould comes in many forms and some are not visible to the naked eye.

For most people, toxins get flushed out from the body when eliminating waste.

For some though, the toxic load is so high that it’s too much for the body to eliminate them all efficiently. For others, they may have poor detoxification processes or they may even recycle or reabsorb these mycotoxins back, as the body tries to eliminate them. Genetics plays a huge role in this difference from person to person.

For further support on mould illness please email

What Are The Best Supplements For Depression


My top 7 natural supplements for depression: 

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids.  New research has confirmed the positive effects of EPA on mood, even more so than DHA, as it provides a natural balance to omega-6 arachidonic acid.

Buy Omega 3 Capsules HERE

2. Probiotics. It is crucial to keep your bowels in good shape because your brain is only as healthy as your gut. The nerve cells in our gut manufacture 80 to 90% of our body’s serotonin, the neurotransmitter we need to balance mood. That’s more than our brain makes. The gut is in constant communication with the brain, sending it information that most definitely affects your mood.

Buy Probiotic HERE

3. Vitamin B-12. Bestselling author Mark Hyman, MD, calls Folate, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12 the “mighty methylators for mental health.” He mentions a remarkable study in the American Journal of Psychiatry that found that 27% of severely depressed women over the age of 65 were deficient in B-12. I recommend professional strength B Complex.

Buy B Complex HERE

4. Turmeric (Curcuma longa).  Used for thousands of years in Chinese and Indian medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Turmeric is your brain’s best friend because of its ability to produce antioxidants and reduce inflammation, which then protect our precious mitochondria, the tiny organelles in our cells that generate chemical energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Buy Curcumin HERE

5. Vitamin D. A deficiency in vitamin D will feel very much like depression. Lots of studies have found a close association between depression and vitamin D deficiencies. And as many as three-quarters of UK teens and adults are deficient.

Buy Vitamin D HERE

6. Magnesium. Up to half of the UK today don’t get enough of magnesium because stress, caffeine, sugar and alcohol all deplete it. Unless you eat lots of seaweed and green beans, it’s wise to bulk up on magnesium because it is considered to be the most powerful relaxation mineral that exists.

Buy Magnesium Glycinate HERE

7. Melatonin. Anyone who has ever experienced insomnia knows about melatonin. It helps us get to sleep and regulates the sleep-wake cycle naturally without the use of sleeping pills.

Can Food Help Shift Anxiety?


Anxiety symptoms can make you feel very unwell and run down. Coping with anxiety can be a challenge not just for you but also for your family. Anxiety can leave you feeling powerless but by making some lifestyle changes you can get your power back! There aren't any diet changes that can cure anxiety, but watching what you eat may help.

Here are my top tips

1. Eating protein at breakfast can help you feel fuller longer and help keep your blood sugar steady so that you have more energy as you start your day. Eggs, Greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds are great options. Protein helps stimulate the production of the brain chemicals norepinephrine and dopamine, which, like serotonin, are neurotransmitters and carry impulses between nerve cells.

2. Carbohydrates are thought to increase the amount of serotonin in your brain, which has a calming effect. Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates, such as oats, quinoa, whole-grain breads and whole-grain cereals.

3. Try and eat a healthy, whole foods diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is especially important to include foods that are rich in the B vitamins, such as beef, pork, chicken, leafy greens, legumes, oranges and other citrus fruits, rice, nuts, eggs, whole grains, nuts and fish. A deficiency in B vitamins such as folic acid and B12 can trigger depression in some people. Vitamin B supplements can be very useful to add to your diet if you feel you are not eating enough vitamin B rich food.

4. Increase omega 3 in your diet. Evidence continues to mount that consuming omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines, can be uplifting and enhance your mood.

5. Tryptophan can have a positive effect on stress because this amino acid helps your brain produce feel-good chemicals. You will find tryptophan in a variety of foods such as turkey, chicken, bananas, milk, oats, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, and sesame seeds.

6. Pay attention to food sensitivities. In some people, certain foods or food additives can cause unpleasant physical reactions. In certain people, these physical reactions may lead to shifts in mood, including irritability or anxiety. If in doubt contact us to arrange a food intolerance blood test.

7. Could processed foods such as hot dogs, sausage rolls, pork pies and cakes cause anxiety or other mental health issues? Researchers in London found that eating a diet of processed and fatty foods increases the risk for depression. In the study, people who mainly ate fried food, processed meat, high-fat dairy products and sweetened desserts had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate "whole" foods such as fish and vegetables.To help lift mood and calm anxiety, keep away from processed foods and eat more natural products.

8. Although drinking alcohol seems to have a calming effect short term, it dehydrates the body and can actually end up acting as a depressant. Alcohol can also interfere with sleep so moderate it in your diet.

9. Sugar is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. The absorption causes an initial high or surge of energy. But that surge wears off as the body increases its insulin production to remove the sugar from your bloodstream. The result: You're left feeling tired and low. Avoid fizzy drinks loaded with sugar, instead drink plenty of water, to stay hydrated.

10. Reduce caffeine in your diet as this can make you feel jittery and nervous and can interfere with sleep. The problem is that caffeine has been shown to inhibit levels of serotonin in the brain, and when serotonin levels are suppressed, you can become depressed and feel irritable.

Try these 10 top tips and always remember - feelings by there very nature come and go. This too shall pass.

Coffee - Good or Bad?

Coffee swings from being beneficial to harmful in the nutrition world so what is the truth about our morning pick me up?

The Down Side to Coffee.

A cup of coffee contains up to 200 mg of caffeine, a cup of tea up to 80 mg and coca cola around 55 mg of caffeine. Due to it’s high caffeine content excessive quantities of coffee can cause unpleasant side effects such as restlessness, anxiety, sleep disturbances tremors and problems with blood pressure.

If you are a regular coffee drinker, you likely are aware that the caffeine in coffee is also highly addictive. Coffee is so addictive that even individuals who consume just one cup per day can go through severe withdrawals symptoms if they eliminate their daily cup. Who remembers my whinging when I did the juice fast sans coffee?!

The ultimate pick me up?

On the plus side coffee is packed full of antioxidants which studies show help protect against free radical damage and therefore diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Caffeine can also help improve your memory and mood. When you drink a cup of coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the brain. Once in the brain the caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which in turn allows an increase in your alertness and memory. 

According to studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, drinking coffee on a daily basis also lowers your chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 7%.

However, it's important to remember we are all different, meaning some people are slower caffeine metabolisers than others. Caffeine is metabolised in the liver through an enzyme called cytochrome P4501A2 (CYP1A2). This enzyme is responsible for 95 percent of the metabolism process for caffeine and differences in our genetic makeup decide how much of this enzyme we have. If you don’t happen to know your genetic predisposition to this enzyme then my advice is to stick to one good quality organic coffee per day. 

Food Intolerances

Food intolerance, unliketrue food allergy can have a number of different causes.

A food intolerance is difficulty digesting certain foods and having an unpleasant physical reaction to them. It is much more common than food allergy and is not caused by the immune system. The onset of symptoms is usually slower, and may be delayed by many hours after eating the offending food. The symptoms may also last for several hours, even into the next day and sometimes longer. Intolerance to several foods or a group of foods is not uncommon.

With food intolerance, some people can tolerate a reasonable amount of the food, but if they eat too much (or too often) they get symptoms because their body cannot tolerate unlimited amounts.

The symptoms caused by food intolerance are varied. They usually cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel and can include skin rashes and sometimes fatigue, joint pains, dark circles under the eyes, night sweats and other chronic conditions.

The number of people who believe they have a food intolerance has risen dramatically over recent years, but it's hard to know how many people are truly affected.

Buy Food Intolerance Test HERE

The Dangers of Tap Water


Unfortunately, water quality issues are not a recent development. Industrial dumping, pesticide runoff, leaky storage tanks, and government mandates have created big problems. Don't panic though, there is no need for bottled just purchase a water filer jug. Although tap water in the UK is considered ‘safe’ to drink it does still contain a lot of chemicals. Key scientists are now providing evidence that long-term ingestion of small amounts of chemicals like these could be the cause of some major health problems.

Here is a list of just a few of the chemicals routinely added to our water supply:

  • Liquified chlorine

  • Fluorosilicic acid

  • Aluminium sulphate

  • Calcium hydroxide

  • Sodium silicofluoride

Even if the water leaves the source in a relatively clean state, don't forget that your water travels through pipes, which may have been underground since Victorian times. It is almost impossible for the water not to become contaminated by something undesirable. Tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, it may contain other undesirable contaminants like toxic metal salts, hormones and pesticides, or it may become contaminated by chemicals or microbes within pipes (e.g. lead, bacteria, protozoa).

Typical Tap Water Content:

  • Chlorine

  • Fluorine compounds

  • Trihalomethanes (THMs)

  • Salts of:

    • arsenic

    • radium

    • aluminium

    • copper

    • lead

    • mercury

    • cadmium

    • barium

  • Hormones

  • Nitrates

  • Pesticides