Comprehensive Stool Analysis - Doctors Data Stool Test

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Comprehensive Stool Analysis - Doctors Data Stool Test

from £395.00

DELIVERY AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE - except Australia, Bermuda, Gibraltar, New Zealand & Singapore

Included in the cost of your test is advice, interpretation and support from our functional medicine team on your results. Choose package options below. Video calls are 30 minutes and you are sent a link to book your call once your results are ready.

The Comprehensive Stool Analysis with PCR evaluates the status of beneficial bacteria, imbalanced commensal bacteria, pathogenic bacteria and yeasts. If pathogenic cultures are identified, a sensitivity panel is provided to facilitate the selection of pharmaceutical or natural treatment agents. The efficiency of digestion and absorption is measured via faecal elastase, fat and carbohydrates, whilst the biomarkers of calprotectin, lysozyme, and lactoferrin can be used to assess inflammation. This can help to differentiate inflammation associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from that noted in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Humoral immune status of the gut is measured by secretory IgA (sIgA) while the assessment of short-chain fatty acids reflects overall gut health and microbiome balance. This profile is indicated for gastrointestinal symptoms, autoimmune disease, joint pain, IBD, IBS, inflammation, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and skin conditions.

You will be asked to fill out a patient form at checkout which will give us more information on your symptoms, current medications and supplement intake.

  • Lab test results & personalised written report = £465

  • Lab test results & 30 minute Zoom call = £485

  • Lab test results & 30 minute Zoom call & personalised written report = £505

Test Options:
Package Options:
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You can also choose to add on zonulin and H pylori.

Elevated faecal zonulin family protein has been associated with increased intestinal permeability, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

Helicobacter Pylori is a microorganism which can be found on the stomach mucosa and may contribute to gastritis, gastric ulcers, GERD and other serious pathologies.


The test is broken down into different sections:
GI Pathogens measured by multiplex PCR.
Culturing of commensal and pathogenic bacteria and yeast
Elastase and Calprotectin - Turbidimetric Immunoassay
Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, sIgA - Elisa
Carbohydrates – Colormetric
Fat Stain – Sudan IV
SCFA – Gas Chromatography
Beta Glucuronidase - Quantitative endpoint enzymatic (RUO)
Occult Blood – Guaiac
Stool pH - ISE

When should I use

This profile is indicated for gastrointestinal symptoms, autoimmune disease, joint pain, IBD, IBS, inflammation, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and skin conditions.
When testing budget is limited, and parasitic infection is not suspected, this provides a lower price point than our most comprehensive gut health test - the GI360.

Q. How do you support me with my results?

In ADDITION to your lab report we provide the following options which are INCLUDED in the package prices;

A) Follow up personalised written report produced by our clinical team (click HERE for team info) highlighting dietary and lifestyle advice plus links to supplement protocols, specific doses and any further testing requirements included. We use the patient information you provide us at checkout along with your results to compile personalised action points for you.


B) Follow up 30-minute video call to discuss your results and answer any questions you have. Once the lab has completed your results you will be sent these via email with a link to book a time and day online. You will also then be given the option to upgrade your 30-minute call to a 45-minute call for an additional £30 if you wish. During the call your practitioner will explain the results in more detail and what they mean for you. After your call you are sent a personalised list of supplements & the dose your practitioner advises with links to purchase from our supplements store. This is for your convenience. You are of course welcome to purchase supplements elsewhere. You will also be provided with a list of follow up tests should this be required plus a copy of your recorded zoom call which you can download and keep.


C) Both Zoom call and written report with personalised next steps (Zoom call is first and written report follows).

View Analytes

  • Acetate

  • Additional pathogens culture

  • Bacteriology culture: aerobic

  • Butyrate

  • Calprotectin

  • Carbohydrates

  • Elastase

  • Fat stain

  • Lactoferrin

  • Lysozyme

  • Mucus

  • Muscle Fibers

  • Occult blood

  • pH

  • Proprionate

  • Red blood cells

  • Secretory IgA

  • Valerate

  • Vegetable fibers

  • White blood cells

  • Yeast culture

View sample report HERE

View instructions HERE

This stool collection kit is posted to you via DHL, with instructions for use at home. You can arrange for DHL to collect your sample using freepost returns. If you are ordering from outside the UK we will ship via DHL with return labels. Your sample is sent to the USA for testing with Doctors Data Labs so results take 3 weeks.