What is a Methylation Test?
When you consume nutrients, you consume a lot of raw material that must be converted into a form the body can use. How does that raw material turn into hormones, neurons, and more? The process is called methylation. Your DNA is set at birth and determines how your genes work. Methylation is the process which allows these genes to function optimally so understanding your personal methylation pathways is key to optimising your health. Methyl groups act like billions of switches which turn genes on or off, help regulate mood, detoxify hormones, produce energy, and promote healthy aging. Since the process of methylation can be found throughout the entire body, it makes sense that poor methylation can cause issues. The Genetic Methylation Test looks at your DNA to find tiny differences called SNPs, which can affect your health and how your body works. These differences can influence things like how your body processes nutrients and medications. Understanding them helps you make better choices for your health.